Updates on Campus-wide Emergencies
In the event of a campus-wide emergency, updates will be provided.
- 报告紧急情况
- 该怎么做
- 准备文件
大学警察,位于 在布洛克大厅后面, is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you discover an emergency situation on campus, immediately perform all of the following steps, 适当的:
- 叫校园 7575分机. Cell phone or 校外 phone dial 1-508-793-7575 (program this number in your telephone or cell phone).
- 如果电话线路中断,派人去布洛克大厅后面的大学警察局.
- Remain calm when speaking to the dispatcher.
- 给 your name, location, 和 description of the emergency.
- Tell the dispatcher if an ambulance or medical assistance is needed.
1-508-793-7575 or via any emergency phone on campus.
Center for Counseling 和 Personal Growth
Serious Crime/Violence/Active Shooter
我们不可能预测每一起犯罪或暴力行为的行为和具体情况. The following procedures may help lessen the potential for injury:
- If you observe a criminal act or suspicious person, from a campus phone dial 7575. 否则,请拨1-508-793-7575.
- Be mindful of your personal safety.
- Remember details of incident: description of clothing, 物理特性, 口音, 纹身, 不止一名嫌疑人, 等.
- 不拉响火警警报.
- Exit the area immediately 和 report to University or local police.
- 运用你的直觉.
- In a hostage situation, stay calm, keep everyone together 和 stay hidden.
- If you are unable to hide, play dead if other victims are around you.
- 如果被俘,服从所有命令.
- Encourage conversation to develop rapport.
- 进行舒适的眼神交流.
- Evaluate intruder’s body language to determine your next action(s).
- If you are in the vicinity of an active shooter situation, barricade doors 和 place any available solid material between you 和 the shooter.
- Stay in place if it is safe to do so.
- Wait for police to clear 和 evacuate the area.
- 保持冷静和安静. 静音手机.
- 运用常识 not to expose yourself or others to harm.
- If you are outdoors, seek shelter away from the area that is involved if it is safe to do so.
If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus, do not h和le the object. Call 大学警察 at 7575分机 immediately.
If you receive a bomb threat telephone call:
- Have someone nearby contact 大学警察 at 7575分机 or 1-508-793-7575.
- Keep caller on line as long as possible.
- 问打电话者:
- 炸弹什么时候爆炸?
- 炸弹在哪里?? 这建筑?
- 什么样的炸弹? 它的描述
- 你为什么要放炸弹?
- Note time of call 和 approximate age 和:
- 说话模式(口音)
- 来电者的情绪状态
- 背景噪音
If you find a suspicious object:
- 不要碰这个物体.
- Don’t activate the building alarm.
- 不要打开抽屉或橱柜.
- Don’t turn on/off electrical devices or switches (light switches, 手机, 收音机, or any other kind of electronic device).
- 不要使用电梯.
- 注意辅助设备
Chemical Exposure/Hazardous Spills
Hazardous spills 和 hazardous chemical exposure can cause damage to individuals, 环境, 关键基础设施, 和财产. The spill, release, or exposure incident can be an unplanned sudden or a non-sudden release. Potential hazard spills or exposure can include Chemical, Biological (Human Waste or Etiological Agent), 放射学, 热, 和窒息危险.
- 控制该区域/教室/实验室的教职员工应立即撤离受影响的区域.
- 如果个人受到接触或污染,他们应留在附近,但远离危险,由危险物质研究专家进行急救和消除污染.
- 区域/教室/实验室危险区应被隔离,防止进一步接触或进一步污染扩散.
- 等待大学官员和急救人员(经过认证和培训的急救人员)的指示.
- 在报告化学品接触或危险溢出时,应具体说明按危害的严重程度确定危险物质,使用三个主要类别(健康, 可燃性, 和 Instability) 和 the exact location of the chemical exposure/hazardous spill.
- 所有化学品暴露/危险泄漏/非危险泄漏应立即报告给大学警察.
- 大学警察 have access to main shut off valves. Call 7575分机 (1-508-793-7575) so that we can take the necessary actions.
在面对火灾之前, familiarize yourself with fire extinguisher locations, 出口, 和 building fire alarms / pull stations. Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire. As you evacuate, or if you are trapped, always stay near the floor where the air is less toxic.
- 不要惊慌.
- Activate the closest building fire alarm for emergency response.
- When the building fire alarm is sounded, always assume an emergency exists, 立即离开大楼, 除非在警报响起之前听到了枪声或者收到了OD体育警报,建议你们呆在原地. 运用常识.
- If a fire appears controllable, discharge a fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame.
- 当你走出大楼的时候, 注意任何对紧急警报没有反应的人,并叫他们离开大楼.
- Assist persons with disabilities to exit.
- Close but do not lock doors to confine fire.
- 不要使用电梯.
- Use alternate evacuation routes if the normal route is blocked.
- Feel closed doors from top to bottom, 在疏散路线上, 如果冷的话,把门打开, 如果热, DO NOT OPEN the door 和 use an alternative evacuation route. (Hot doors may be an indication of fire on the other side of the door).
- 避免烟雾弥漫的区域. If the room or evacuation route is filling with smoke, crouch down as you exit. Smoke rises, pushing available air to the floor.
- Should your clothing catch on fire-STOP DROP 和 ROLL to smother flame.
- Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.
- Use your cell phone to alert 大学警察 of your location (1-508-793-7575)
- 找一扇窗户,在窗户外面放一件衣服,或者用一本紧急指南(HELP)的背面放在窗户外面,作为救援人员的标志.
- 等待大学官员的安全通知后再进入大楼/区域.
大学警察配备了自动体外除颤器,警察是经过认证的第一响应者. 通知警方, call 校园 7575分机 or, via cell phone or 校外 phone, 拨打1-508-793-7575.
- When assisting, make sure there are no safety concerns for you. 在可能的情况下,使用防护手套和屏障装置来保护自己免受体液的侵害.
- If person is vomiting with no trauma 和 is unable to move, 把人转到一边, 头靠在胳膊上. 头部向上倾斜,打开气道.
- 如果受伤,把人放在背上. If no neck/ spinal injury is suspected, elevate legs 6 to 12 inches.
- Cover with blanket/coat to keep body warm.
- Don’t move person with neck/spinal injury unless factors will cause more harm (i.e. 火).
- Elevate bleeding extremities; maintain direct pressure; control bleeding with a thick cloth.
- If the person is not breathing, has no pulse 和 you are trained in CPR, begin immediately. Ask a byst和er to call 7575分机 or 1-508-793-7575
- Seizures: clear area around the person; don’t restrain or place anything in person’s mouth.
Fear at the time of a disaster may breed panic. Panic can account for more injuries than the disaster itself. Therefore, calming personnel 和 students 和 preventing panic are critical.
Familiarize yourself with assembly area locations listed in this guide prior to any emergency. You are expected to meet at these locations. Always follow the direction of emergency response personnel.
- Stay away from windows or bookcases.
- 确定安全的地方,例如:
- 在门口
- 在坚固的家具下
- 靠在内墙上
- Protect yourself at all times 和 be prepared for aftershocks.
- Don’t use the telephone 和 plumbing fixtures.
- Wind, rain 和 lightening can cause dangerous situations. Avoid water, metal objects, open spaces 和 electrical appliances during lightening storms.
- Use the basement level of all campus buildings as a designated tornado shelter.
- 如果没有地下室,那就找一个没有窗户的小房间,比如大厅、壁橱、楼梯间.
Procedures to Follow When a 性犯罪 Occurs
For a person subjected to a sexual offense, especially an act of sexual assault, there can be time-sensitive decisions to make about sexually transmitted infections, 怀孕, 和 collecting physical evidence in the event of prosecution.
保护自己: Find a safe place as soon as possible.
联系你信任的人: You may wish to ask a trusted friend or family member to assist 和 support you.
就医:Seek medical attention immediately. Injuries 和 exposure to disease may not be immediately apparent. A medical examination can provide necessary treatment 和 collect important evidence. 建议在事件发生后72小时内进行体检,以充分保存证据.
性侵犯的幸存者被鼓励去马萨诸塞大学纪念医院急诊科(贝尔蒙特街119号), 伍斯特 MA 01605), before washing yourself or your clothing. 麻省大学纪念医院的性侵犯护士审查员(一名受过特殊训练的护士)一天24小时随叫随到, seven days a week (call the Emergency Department at 508-334-6481, if you first want to speak to the nurse). 大学的代表和/或支持人员也可以陪同你去医院,如果必要的话,大学警察可以提供交通工具. 如果你去医院的话, 当地警方将被召集, but you are not obligated to talk to the police or to prosecute. The exam will help to keep that option open for you, should you decide later to exercise it. The hospital 工作人员 will collect evidence, 检查受伤情况, 和 address the possibility of exposure to sexually transmitted infections. If you have changed clothing since the assault, bring the clothing you had on at the time of the assault with you to the hospital in a clean, 卫生容器,如干净的纸质杂货袋或用干净的床单包裹(塑料容器不能呼吸), 和 may render evidence useless). 如果你没有换过衣服, bring a change of clothes with you to the hospital, 如果可能的话, as they will likely keep the clothes you are wearing as evidence.
Try to Preserve Physical Evidence: It is important to preserve all physical evidence following an act of sexual violence. Physical evidence may be necessary in the event criminal prosecution is pursued. 如果可能的话,受害者不应该洗澡、吃饭、喝水、淋浴、使用浴室或换衣服. 如果换了衣服, 所有在事件发生时穿的衣服都不应该清洗,应该放在一个干净的纸袋里. 不要扰乱犯罪现场. 留下所有的床单、毛巾等. that may bear evidence for the police to collect.
保健和支助服务: Various health 和 support services are available 校园 和 校外 for students involved in incidences of sexual violence or the Title IX process. 请参阅 如何帮助朋友页面 for tips on how to support your friends, as well as, the reporting options available
报告事件: Clark strongly encourages victims of sexual offense to discuss what happened so they can get the support they need, 这样大学就可以做出适当的反应,帮助受害者,并帮助确保OD体育社区其他成员的安全. 请看OD体育的 性侵犯政策 对于报告选项.
The default location for any evacuation on campus is the Kneller Athletic Center. If an alternate location is established due to the nature of the situation, you will be redirected by a Clark official.
1-508-793-7575 or via any emergency phone on campus.
Center for Counseling 和 Personal Growth
上述文件为OD体育的人员和部门制定了如何应对重大紧急情况(如暴力犯罪)的指导方针, 自然灾害, 和 medical crises) on the OD体育 campus. 建议您在紧急情况发生之前查看这些文件,并了解您所负责的程序. 应急指南(第一份文件的一个子集)的硬拷贝将分发到每个宿舍房间, 教室, 以及校园里的办公室.
另外, 每个部门和办公室都有责任制定与其所在大楼相关的本地应急计划, using the Emergency Response Plan as a guide.
由于OD体育应急计划的使命是使大学能够在安全的情况下对紧急情况作出反应, 有效的, 态度及时, 这个和相关的部门计划在本质上必须是动态的,并将根据需要进行修订,以反映不断变化的需求.
教师, 工作人员, 在任何紧急情况下,学生必须对自己的人身安全负责. Use the guides to help you think about how you would react to the various situations described. 如果发生紧急情况, 你自己的计划将证明是无价的,因为它能让你以平静和安全的方式应对事件. Become familiar with your surroundings, know the location of the emergency 出口 和 emergency telephones. 考虑一下你的位置,以及万一你需要疏散大楼时可以使用的主要和次要出口.
OD体育警报是一种电子信息服务,OD体育将使用它作为紧急事件的主要通知系统. Register for Clark Alerts 和 keep your information updated.
Additional information will be posted on this page as it becomes available. Questions should be directed to Lamara Burgess, (lamburgess@cd-gimmicks.com, 1-508-793-8875).
Safety 和 Threat Assessment Team
Clark’s Safety Intervention Team helps manage situations where students, 工作人员, 或者教师表现出破坏性或威胁性的行为,可能危及自己或他人的健康和安全.
ClarkRIDE provides transportation to students who need rides to 和 from the Clark campus area.
Environmental Health 和 Safety
Clark’s Office of Environmental Health 和 Safety provides safety 和 environmental training, environmental 和 safety resource materials, 和 safety 和 environmental equipment for all laboratory 和 hazardous work applications.
校园大使 provide in-person, public relations support to the campus community, assist various student-facing departments 和 工作人员, 和 alert the appropriate department to any safety 和 security concerns.
Emergency Management 和 Campus Assistance
Environmental Health 和 Safety
Arthur M. 萨克勒科学中心
Center for Counseling 和 Personal Growth